Speech Search

ID Title Language Keywords Level Duration Year
CH_00005 The Representative of China at a regional conference on countering terrorism (original speed) Chinese Terrorism, People's Republic of China, Violent extremism, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism Advanced 04:02 2019
CH_00006 Minister of Foreign Affairs of China at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in 2019 (Reduced Speed) Chinese Climate, People's Republic of China Intermediate 10:16 2019
CH_00007 Minister of Foreign Affairs of China at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in 2019 (Original Speed) Chinese Climate, People's Republic of China Advanced 06:00 2019
CH_00018 The Representative of China at a regional conference on countering terrorism (reduced speed) Chinese Terrorism, Violent extremism, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, People's Republic of China Intermediate 05:24 2019
EN_00023 An Israeli citizen at the Security Council on her life close to the Gaza strip English Security Council, Middle East, Israel, Peace and Security Advanced 14:56 2019
EN_00024 The Executive Director of UN-Habitat at the UN Habitat Assembly in 2019 English UN-Habitat, Sustainable development Intermediate 17:20 2019
FR_00016 Prince Albert of Monaco at the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly French Sustainable development, digital transformation, General Assembly, General debate, Monaco, gender equality Advanced 12:57 2019
FR_00017 The International Organization of la Francophonie addresses the Commission on International Trade Law French UNCITRAL - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, IOF - International Organization of la Francophonie Advanced 09:57 2019
FR_00018 The Permanent Representative of France at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East French UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, France, Security Council, Middle East Beginner 07:59 2019
FR_00021 Kingdom of Belgium speech at the General Assembly High-level meeting on climate and sustainable development French General Assembly, Climate, Environment, Belgium, Peace and Security Intermediate 07:42 2019
FR_00023 Speech by the Secretary-General ad interim of UNCTAD on e-commerce French UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Commerce Advanced 09:07 2019
RU_00012 Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in 2019 Russian UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, CND - Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Russian Federation, Drugs Advanced 06:33 2019
RU_00013 Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Information and Press Department (Russia) at the Committee on Information in 2019 Russian COI - Committee on Information, Russian Federation Intermediate 10:29 2019
RU_00014 Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan at the Commission on the Status of Women in 2019 Russian gender equality, Uzbekistan Intermediate 05:04 2019
RU_00015 The Permanent representative of Belarus at the General Conference of UNESCO in 2019 Russian UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Belarus Beginner 06:30 2019
SP_00007 King Felipe of Spain's 2019 Christmas address Spanish Democracy, Terrorism, Youth, Spain, Competitive examination for language positions Beginner 09:32 2019
SP_00008 The Vice President of Venezuela at the 74th session of the General Assembly Spanish Venezuela, Environment, General Assembly, General debate, Peace and Security Advanced 09:55 2019
SP_00009 The president of Panama at the 74th session of the General Assembly Spanish Latin America, Environment, General Assembly, General debate, Panama, Peace and Security Intermediate 10:20 2019
SP_00011 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico at the 74th session of the General Assembly Spanish Development, General Assembly, General debate, Mexico, Peace and Security Intermediate 09:00 2019
EN_00019 The Prime Minister of Israel at the 73rd session of the General Assembly English Middle East, General Assembly, Israel Advanced 16:35 2018
RU_00011 The president of Turkmenistan at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly Russian Turkmenistan, Sustainable development Intermediate 10:26 2018