Speech Search

ID Title Language Keywords Level Duration Year
RU_00023 The representative of Tajikistan in the Committee on Environmental Policy of the Economic Commission for Europe Russian Climate, Environment Intermediate 07:43 2024
EN_00033 Statement of Egypt to the Conference on Disarmament, Plenary Session, 25 January 2022 English Disarmament, Egypt, Competitive examination for language positions Intermediate 10:16 2022
EN_00034 Statement of the permanent representative of Italy at the Conference on Disarmament, January 2022 English Italy, Disarmament, Competitive examination for language positions Advanced 10:02 2022
FR_00020 Pedagogical speech on SDG 15 (life on land) French Pedagogical speech, Development Beginner 07:09 2022
FR_00024 Speech delivered by the Permanent Representative of France at the plenary session of the Conference on Disarmament French France, Disarmament, Competitive examination for language positions Intermediate 7:13 2022
SP_00027 Speech delivered by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the High-Level Segment of the Human Rights Council in 2022 Spanish Venezuela, Human rights, HRC - Human Rights Council, Competitive examination for language positions Advanced 10:00 2022
CH_00019 China at the First Committee during the 76th Session of the General Assembly on Outer Space Resolutions Chinese Disarmament, Outer space, People's Republic of China Intermediate 5:09 2021
CH_00020 China at Security Council Briefings by Counter-Terrorism Subsidiary Bodies Chinese Terrorism, Security Council, People's Republic of China Advanced 7:18 2021
CH_00022 Minister of Commerce of China at the 19th Session of United Nations Industrial Development Organization General Conference Chinese Development, UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization, People's Republic of China Advanced 7:07 2021
CH_00023 China at the 76th Session of the General Assembly under "Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency" Chinese General Assembly, IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency, People's Republic of China Advanced 07:50 2021
CH_00025 China at the Second Substantive Session of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group Established Pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 72/277 Chinese International law, Environment, UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme, People's Republic of China Intermediate 7:20 2021
CH_00026 China at the 76th Session of the General Assembly Introducing the "Olympic Truce" Draft Resolution Chinese Sport, General Assembly, People's Republic of China Advanced 4:07 2021
FR_00022 Speech by the Ambassador of Cameroon on the occasion of Cameroon presidency at the Conference on Disarmament French Cameroon, Disarmament, Competitive examination for language positions Intermediate 10:09 2021
FR_00025 Speech by the acting Secretary General of UNCTAD at the Commission on Science and Technology for Development French UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Development, Competitive examination for language positions Intermediate 7:20 2021
AR_00012 The Representative of Tunisia at the Security Council on Upholding the UN Charter, January 2020 Arabic Tunisia, Security Council, Humanitarian situation, Conflicts, Oman Intermediate 06:12 2020
CH_00008 The Representative of China at the 25th Conference of Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change Chinese UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Climate, People's Republic of China Advanced 07:15 2020
CH_00011 The Chinese Ambassador at the Security Council during a meeting on Mali Chinese People's Republic of China, Security Council, Peace and Security, Mali Intermediate 07:01 2020
CH_00012 President Xi Jinping at the 73rd World Health Assembly Chinese People's Republic of China, WHO - World Health Organization, Health Intermediate 11:01 2020
EN_00027 Ms Jo Becker at the Security Council during a meeting on Children in Armed Conflict English Security Council, Human rights, Conflicts, Youth Advanced 10:33 2020
FR_00019 King Philippe of Belgium at the Security Council on Children in Armed Conflict French Security Council, Belgium, Human rights, Conflicts, Youth Intermediate 07:27 2020
RU_00016 Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation at the Human Rights Council in 2020 Russian Human rights, Russian Federation, HRC - Human Rights Council Advanced 07:55 2020
RU_00060 Competitive exam French Booth (2020) Russian Speeches Series I Russian Competitive examination for language positions Advanced 31:50 2020
SP_00049 Competitive Exam French Booth (2020) Spanish speeches Series I Spanish Competitive examination for language positions Advanced 29:12 2020