Speech Search

ID Title Language Keywords Level Duration Year
SP_00010 The Vice President of Costa Rica at the 73rd General Assembly Spanish General Assembly, General debate, Development, Costa Rica, Peace and Security Intermediate 10:33 2018
SP_00024 Speech delivered by the President of the Working Group on Business and Human Rights Spanish Human rights, Commerce Advanced 09:24 2018
AR_00011 Representative of Morocco at the 18th session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Arabic CRPD - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Morocco Intermediate 04:47 2017
CH_00002 A Representative of China at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2017 Chinese UNHCR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, People's Republic of China, Refugees and asylum-seekers Intermediate 07:27 2017
CH_00003 The Representative of China at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in 2017 Chinese UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, People's Republic of China, Commerce Intermediate 07:09 2017
EN_00016 Actress Priyanka Chopra at Variety's Power of Women in 2017 English UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund, Human rights Beginner 07:35 2017
EN_00017 The High Commissioner for Human Rights during a panel on epidemics, 2017 English OHCHR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human rights, Health Intermediate 07:04 2017
EN_00018 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ireland at the general debate of General Assembly in 2017 English International relations, Ireland, Human rights, General Assembly, Arms and weapons, General debate Intermediate 08:50 2017
EN_00035 Statement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the opening of the 10th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples English UNHCHR - High Commissioner for Human Rights, Indigenous Cultures Advanced 12:15 2017
EN_00037 Bill Gates addresses the Munich Security Conference on the topic of health English Security, Health Intermediate 9:37 2017
FR_00013 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Benin at the 72nd session of United Nations General Assembly French General Assembly, General debate, Sustainable development Intermediate 09:28 2017
FR_00014 President Macron of France about preventing terrorist use of internet in 2017 French Internet, G-7/Group of Seven/group of Seven Major Industrialized Countries, France Intermediate 09:28 2017
FR_00015 The Representative of Benin on migration in 2016 French Migration, 2030 Agenda - 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , Development, Benin, General Assembly Advanced 11:14 2017
SP_00012 The Permanent Representative of Peru at the 72nd General Assembly Spanish General Assembly, General debate, Peru, Development, Equatorial Guinea, Peace and Security Beginner 07:54 2017
SP_00014 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua at the 72nd session of the General Assembly Spanish General Assembly, Development, Nicaragua Beginner 09:12 2017
SP_00025 Representative of Cuba in the Human Rights Council Spanish Cuba, Human rights, HRC - Human Rights Council Advanced 12:00 2017
SP_00028 The representative of Bolivia talks about landmines and explosive remnants of war at a Security Council meeting Spanish Bolivia, Security Council, Peace and Security Advanced 10:11 2017
AR_00010 Syria addresses the Security Council during the 7834th meeting Arabic IHL - international humanitarian law, Syria, Security Council, Peace and Security, Humanitarian situation Intermediate 12:16 2016
EN_00030 UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process at the Security Council on the question of Palestine English Security Council, UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, Peace and Security, Palestine Advanced 13:05 2016
EN_00036 Statement by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Panel discussion on the possibility of using sport and the Olympic ideal to promote human rights for all, including persons with disabilities English UNHCHR - High Commissioner for Human Rights, Sport Advanced 11:11 2016
RU_00020 The representative of the Russian Federation delivers a speech at the International Narcotics Control Board Russian Russian Federation, Drugs Intermediate 06:29 2016
RU_00022 Language Competitive Exam French booth 2016 Russian series I Russian Competitive examination for language positions Advanced 22:44 2016
SP_00006 The Permanent Representative of Peru at the 6th Committee of the General Assembly in 2016 Spanish Peru, Terrorism, ICT - Information and Communications Technology, General Assembly Intermediate 07:03 2016
SP_00016 Representative of Uruguay at the Human Rights Council in 2016 Spanish HRC - Human Rights Council, Human rights, Uruguay Beginner 10:24 2016
SP_00017 Representative of Uruguay about institutional strengthening for sustainable development Spanish OAS - Organization of American States, Sustainable development, Uruguay Beginner 11:05 2016
SP_00018 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of MERCOSUR Spanish MERCOSUR - South American Common Market, Uruguay Intermediate 15:11 2016
SP_00019 Representative of Mexico on terrorism at the 6th Committee Spanish General Assembly, Terrorism, Mexico Intermediate 7:08 2016